Building This Website

Brian Mai


Brian Mai's Full Stack Portfolio Website (Fall 2023)

Welcome to my portfolio website! This website showcases my skills, projects, and experiences as a Full Stack Developer. Feel free to explore and get to know me better.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js 13: A powerful React framework for building fast and scalable web applications. The use of the /app directory structure ensures efficient project organization.

  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that streamlines styling and allows for rapid development. It provides a sleek and responsive design.

  • Shadcn/UI: A set of customizable and beautiful UI components that enhance the look and feel of the website.

  • Firebase/Firestore: Utilized for user authentication and as a database to power the guestbook feature. Firebase provides a secure and real-time data storage solution.

  • Framer Motion: Used to create captivating animations that enhance user interaction and overall user experience.

  • Spotify API: Integrated to provide real-time Spotify data, enabling visitors to see what music I'm currently listening to.


  • Project Showcase: View my latest projects with descriptions, screenshots, and links to the live demos or source code repositories.

  • About Me: Learn more about me, my skills, and my background as a Full Stack Developer.

  • Guestbook: Leave comments and feedback in the guestbook section. Your thoughts and opinions are highly valued.

  • Spotify Integration: Get real-time information on the music I'm currently listening to via the Spotify API integration.

  • Responsive Design: The website is designed to work seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes.